Author Archives: jwbrown

Rice University 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019

You may have to move down to find the material for the year you attended the APSI or College Readiness.  If you were in the 2019 session, you will need to move to the bottom.

Rice Pre-AP English 2015

Additional material

Titles from Free Response (3rd Question)
Poetry_Essays_with_Poems (1st Question)
Prose_Essays (2nd Question)
Open_Questions (3rd Question)

Rice Pre-AP English 2016                           place holder


Rice Pre-AP English 2017
2009 Language Score 8 and comments   

Rice University 2018
2018  AP English Language and Composition
2018 AP English Literature and Composition

Essay Ratiocination A revising and editing strategy


A Day No Pigs Would Die – Pre-AP Novel Unit Example



Teacher shares 2018
Rice Teacher Units

Unfortunately, I cannot post the Binder for 2019, but if you contact me, I will be happy to send it to you.   Thanks for your understanding.    Meanwhile, here are the other items I promised.

Rice University 2019
Link to  Debate book I referenced Hot Topics: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Fifty Major Controversies Everyone Pretends to Know All About

Video Downloader Ultimate – Video loader and converter discussed in class.

Calibre – E-book management discussed in class.


AP Language

The Forest of Rhetoric
Homer Simpson’s Figures of Speech
Learn a new word – feed someone some rice
Figures of Speech served fresh
Updates to the “Newspeak” dictionary
Literary Devices 
UNC – The Writing Center

American Online Newspaper Columnists
Arts and Letters Daily – Ideas, Criticism, Debate
Grammar Bytes! – Terms, Exercises, Tips, Rules, Games
New York Times – Daily Lesson Plans – excellent resource
The Pulitzer Prizes – lists and commentary
Town Hall – Columnists
Vocabulary Lists – Novels, Articles, Various SAT lists
For a collection of teacher-friendly technology, see The Digital Teacher on this website

Rhetoric and Logic
Virtual Salt – A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices
Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples
The Forest of Rhetoric
English_Reading_and_Writing_Analytically_SF (College Board Publication)
Using Documentary Film as an Introduction to Rhetoric (College Board Publication)
RationalWiki – Logical Fallacies

Visual Rhetoric and Speeches

American Rhetoric – contains top 100 American speeches, online speech bank and speech of the week
Americans Who Tell the Truth – Portraits of and speeches by famous Americans like Mark Twain, Chief Josef and Frederick Douglass
Historical Speeches – From The History Channel – historical speeches, some on video as well as audio
Lines in the Sand – Political cartoons of Herbert L. Block
List of Common Errors – More errors listed alphabetically than any class could make
Professional Cartoonists Site – Search by topic – extensive and current.
Pulitzer Prizes – Photos awarded the Pulitzer throughout the years.
Pulitzer Prizes – Beginning to Current
Queen Elizabeth I – Selected writing and speeches
St. Crispen’s Day Speech – The ‘band of brothers’ speech from Shakespeare’s Henry V
St. Crispin’s Day Speech – YouTube video
American Rhetoric – 100 top speeches in streamed audio
Learn Out Loud – speeches – audio and video
Greatest Speeches of the 20th Century – Audio
U.S. Government Graphics and Photos – Sources for synthesis and research papers, visual interpretation exercises

Study Guides and Lessons

Study Guides – More study guides than you ever wanted to see.
Today’s Front Pages – Compare major events coverage as they appear around the world.







Edgar Allan Poe Links
Poe Museum
American Literature – Poe
On Line Literature – Poe
Complete Collection of Poe’s Poetry
Knowing Poe
Edgar Allan Poe -theGuardian
Edgar Allan Poe The Philosophy of Composition
Edgar Allan Poe Short Stories


Mark Twain Links
Mark Twain Books and Short Stories
Lesson Plans and Classroom Resources – Mark Twain Boyhood Home Museum

The Grapes of Wrath revisited
Teaching Grapes of Wrath with the NY Times
Huffington Post – Grapes of Wrath
Out of the Dust
Grapes of Wrath – A Study Guide
Grapes of Wrath – The Best Notes



Who was William Shakespeare? – cartoon book


Hamlet Mandala assignment  …
Mandala Example

Mandala Essay Example  …
Ghost speeches for highlighting  …
Conflict Map
Conflict in Hamlet Assignment  …
Pre-reading Questions  …

Articles and Discussion
Hamlet – from The Development of Shakespeare’s Imagery Wolfgang H. Clemen
Shakespeare From Shakespearean Tragedy by A. C. Bradley

Articles and Discussion
Macbeth – General Macbeth – Mary McCarthy
Macbeth – From Shakespeare and the New Critics – Oscar James Campbell
Macbeth – The Naked Babe and the Cloak of Manliness – Cleanth Brooks
Macbeth – Lady Macbeth Infirm of Purpose – Joan Larsen Klein —
Macbeth Materials ….
Macbeth and Fate ….
Macbeth and Fear of Fear ….
Macbeth and his Wife ….
The Lady Macbeth Effect ….

Shakespeare Death Chart ….
William Shakespeare Star Wars …..

Ian McKellen analyzes “Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow

Four comparisons of the “Tomorrow” speech from Macbeth
Sean Connery ….
1971 Film ….
Patrick Stewart ….
“young” Ian McKellen (play before playing the analysis  above}


The Tempest  …
Comparison of Tempest and Forbidden Planet   …

Folger Digital Texts


The Flying Karamazov Brothers – The Comedy of Errors part 1 of 2 ….
The Flying Karamazov Brothers – The Comedy of Errors part 2 of 2 …..
Teacher Membership Folger Library …. $40.oo a year
Shakespeare’s chilling Scottish tragedy is realized by Emmy-winning magician Teller (of Penn & Teller) and Helen Hayes Award-winning director Aaron Posner as a startling, supernatural show brimming with magic, mayhem, and madness.
Macbeth – Part 1
Macbeth – Part 2
The Folger Method …..
Folger Examples from the Teacher Membership
Pairing Clint Smith’s “My Hopes, Dreams, Fears for My Future Son” with Hamlet ….
Cutting a Scene: A Tale of Two Cities, Chapter Two …..
Understanding Race and Religion Through Othello (video)

Shakespeare’s Words  …
Enjoying “Macbeth”……
Enjoying “Hamlet” …..

Virtual Tour of the Globe Theatre
Shakespeare Plays YouTube….



Link – Teach Living Poets —

Poetry Questions and Poems AP Literature 1970 to 2014
Fooling with Words with Bill Moyers
Batter my heart – (meta) physical Poetry
Poetry Pairs Triplets Quads  —-
Carol Jago Poetry Ideas
Carol Jago Poetry Ideas 
CollegeBoard.July20.Poetry —

Poems as Mentor Texts for Writing Focus Lessons
Compiled by Bill Sowder, Asst. Professor · Ewing, New Jersey, The College of New Jersey
Not sure I got all of these correct since poets were not named.  Feel free to correct me if you find an error.

Ideas: Details.
Knoxville, Tennesee
The Pirate Don Durk of Dowdee
Ex-Basketball Player —
The Fish
If I Were in Charge of the World
My Mother Enters the Work Force

Ideas: Variety
What’s in My Journal
Things I Learned Last Week

The Garden Year —
All the World’s a Stage
The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

I Care and I’m Willing to Serve —

The Death of Santa Claus
The Lanyard
The Lion and Albert

Hazel Tells Laverne
Mother to Son
Little Orphan Annie
Phenomenal Woman
First Day at School

Mending Wall

Casey at the Bat

The Bells  —

Word Choice: Verbs
Do Not Go Gentle
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Word Choice: Adjectives
Willow and Gingko
Absence – Paulo Neruda hyphenated adjective – Not sure which poet is meant here; therefore, I have listed several possibilities.
Absence — Paul Laurence Dunbar
Absence – Claude McKay
Absence – Matthew Arnold

Dream Deferred
The Pirate Don Durk of Dowdee

Point of View
First Day of School — Again, not sure which one.  One chosen, links for several more available
Turning Ten

Annabel —
The Pirate Don Durk of Dowdee

Description: Place

Ellis Island
Willow and Gingko

Poetry and Poetry links
In Envy  of Cows

Ekphrastic Poetry
Ekphrastic Poetry – Collection
These are .pdf files.  Some of the poetry might need to be re-typed and larger examples of the paintings located on the web.

Auden Musée des Beaux Arts   …
Berryman Winter Landscape  …
de la Mare Breughels Winter   …
Dobyns The Street …
Engle Venus and the Lute Player  …

Fanthorpe Not my Best Side   …
Ferlinghetti The wounded wilderness of Morris Graves   …
Finkel The Great Wave Hokusai  …
Foerster Breughels Harvesters   …
Ginsberg Cezannes Ports    …
Hirsch Edward Hopper and the House by the Railroad 
Jarrell The Bronze David of Donatello …
Kennedy Nude Descending a Staircase  …
Langland Hunters in the Snow Breughel  …
Leader Girl at Sewing Machine …
Longfellow The Cross of Snow   …
MacDonald The Bowling Match at Castlemary Cloyne   …
Mahon Courtyards in Delft  …
Mahon Girls on the Bridge  …
Mahon St Eustace  …
Mahon The Hunt by Night  …
Markham The Man with the Hoe  …
OHara On Seeing Larry Rivers Washington crossing the Delaware  …
Snodgrass Matisse The Red Studio   …
Song Girl Powdering Her Neck   …
Stone American Gothic  …
Stone Early Sunday Morning  …
Stone The Forest Fire  …
Stone Three for the Mona Lisa 
Sullivan Number 1 by Jackson Pollock  …
Swenson The Tall Figures of Giacometti   …
Szymborska Two Monkeys by Breughel  …
The Village of the Mermaids  …
Williams Childrens Games  …
Williams Classic Scene …
Williams Haymaking  …
Williams Landscape with the Fall of Icarus  …
Williams Peasant Wedding  …
Williams The Adoration of the Kings  …
Williams The Corn Harvest   …
Williams The Dance  …
Williams The Great Figure  …
Williams The Hunter in the Snow   …
Williams The Parable of the Blind  …
Williams The Wedding Dance in the Open Air  …

More Poetry
Poetry-MC-Camp-Getting-ready-for-the-AP-Literature-test  …
Totally Like Whatever – Mali, Taylor  –
Ars Poetica – MacLeish, Archibald –  —
Poet Teaching Math and History – Mali, Taylor – –
I Chop Some Parsley While Listening To Art Blakey – Collins, Billy– —
Because My Students Asked Me – Mali, Taylor – Taylor Mali
Reading Poetry  — College Board …
The Atlantic Monthly Oedipus Poetry and Jocasta and Jocasta
DID I MISS ANYTHING  (one of my favorites!)
Harlem Renaissance Poems  …
Collection of various poems and songs
A Winter Night – Sara Teasdale

*Poetry 180 – A Poem a Day for American High Schools (link)
*Teaching Writing – Genre – Poetry (link)
*Poetry Out Loud – Listen to Poetry (link)
*Poetry (link)
*AllPoetry (link)
* (link)
* (link)
* (link)
*100 Best Poetry Websites and Famous Poems Sites (link)
*Poetry Foundation Online Resources(link)
Twenty-One Poems for AP Literature
The Poet Speaks of Art Harry Rusche, English Department, Emory University.
This project is designed for the students of English 205, “Introduction to Poetry.” (link)
The Poet Speaks of Art  Sandra /Effinger copy of Harry Rusche link for her students
Voices and Visions
Poetic Forms
Ekphrasis:  Using Art to Inspire Poetry
Pictures from Brueghel – Poems by William Carlos Williams (If this link vanishes, let me know I have saved in a .pdf)
Archive of Recorded Poetry
Open Culture – Library of Congress
Poetry Month – Everything you need
Poetry Idea Enginewill allow you to write haikus, free verse, limericks, and more!
Black Cat Poems – lots of poems listed by author (PS They are not about Black Cats!)
Carl Sandburg – American Songbag – The complete text online


Charge of the Light Brigade and Disabled
Graham Cracker Poem
Tone Words and Poems  …
Found Poem Instructions
Poetry Binder by Sandra Effinger
The Grammar of Poetry by Kim Thurman (TCU 2005)
Senior Poetry Study Guide_08
The Grammar of TV and Film

What everyone should know About Poetry (cartoon) 1 page version
What everyone should know about Poetry (cartoon) 2 page version

Carl Sandburg
Rootabaga Stories
Rootabaga Stories (additional site)
American Songbag


AP Material and APSI Material

AP Material and APSI Material
APSI LINKS (General for AP English Literature and Composition)
What follows is one arrangement of many possible approaches to an APSI.

Please understand that the instructor will strive to maintain the material and the order of presentations listed below; however, at times, it may be necessary to deviate from the printed schedule due to changes essential to meeting the needs of most of the participants, time considerations, new ideas, new approaches, or new information. 

Course Description and Purpose

In this four-day online APSI, new teachers can anticipate sessions in which to learn and practice the basics essential for maintaining a successful AP English Literature course.  The four days will offer teachers a range of practical strategies for inspiring students to develop their voices as writers and critical thinkers.  The workshop is designed as a summer conversation among colleagues to foster a community of learners.  In AP classrooms, students have an array of experiences and understandings.  During this workshop, we will explore and create meaningful experiences designed to move students from what they know about literature to what they do not know to help them create insightful understandings of literature.  During the workshop, teachers will explore critical techniques to help students move beyond summary and engage in the complexities of short and long fiction and poetry with more confidence and understanding.

Teachers will be offered an array of approaches for assessing student writing and methods for assuring that students are held accountable for content/skills while fostering a healthy work culture for both students and instructor.  We will work with strategies for both the FRQ and MC questions.

In addition, we will explore how to best utilize the Analytic Rubric, CED, and AP Classroom so that students can benefit from the content and instructors can make targeted adjustments to their lessons.  Our focus on writing will involve evidence-based writing, problem-solving, collaborative learning, and helping students recognize what has previously been invisible to them in complex texts.

Pre-APSI reading
AP Literature Exam Revisions
Big Ideas and Lit Devices

Day One
AP Literature Activity
Daily schedule for the week
Tour of Canvas and website
The Psychological Comforts of Storytelling
The Last Battle
The Culture Tree (link to the image)
Culturally Responsive Teaching in the AP Classroom Brandon
The PowerPoint is sometimes difficult to download; therefore, I have also included a .pdf of the presentation.
Culturally Responsive Teaching in the AP Classroom Brandon
(possible breakout rooms and whole group discussion)
Watch the following two videos.  Take brief notes and be ready to discuss their contents and why they are important in your classroom.
The Danger of a Single Story
The Danger of a Single Story – transcript
Spectacular Danai Gurira
CB Topic: Diversity & Inclusion and Equity & Access in AP®
PowerPoint converted to .pdf from College Board plus Handout
breakout rooms and whole group discussion
CB Topic: Course and Exam Description & Course Planning
Discuss “AP Lit Course/Exam Revisions” and “Big Ideas and Literary Devices.”
Introduction to the CED
AP Course Audit
Course Audit Video
Syllabus design: CED unit, theme, literature survey, chronological, author studies, and/or other organizational approach (see page 115 in CED)
CB Topic
College Board Sample Syllabus
College Board Syllabus Development Guide
The changing role of longer fiction and drama in AP Lit: Examine/discuss
ap22 Q3 Literary Analysis Question
Short Story Resources 
Unit Guides CED
AP Literature Scoring Rubrics
Of the 36 to 42 literary works on the list
Official Fifty-Five Word Short Story Rules
55 word story samples
Writing and sharing your own short stories via Canvas
Micro Fiction
Homework: Write a reflection on how the use of the CED may be useful in your planning and teaching.  Be prepared to share tomorrow.

Day Two
One Pager sun goes down on summer
Lesson Plan for Ray Bradbury Rains
There Will Come Soft Rains -Bradbury, Ray
AP English Literature and Composition Key Questions by Course Skill
Key Questions 
There will only be time to examine the student samples from 2024; however, you will also get the student samples for revised 2019, 2021, 2022, and 2023, but I cannot post them.
Review;  converting past prompts to new prompts Language
Examples: AP Prose Prompts FRQ 2 Rewritten with Stable Wording, as PDF (Thanks to Tia Miller).
Read/take notes on 2024 AP Poetry FRQ 1
Read 2024 FRQ 1 Student Samples
Read 2024 FRQ1 CB Commentary
CB Topic: Strategies and Pedagogical Tools
Discuss 2024 AP Poetry FRQ1
Discuss Analytical Rubric
Discuss Thesis Development as reflected in the student samples
Discuss Developing Commentary as reflected in the student samples
Analyses of Scores of 1 and 2
Instructional Strategies
Make it Stick (youtube link)
Make_It_Stick .pdf
The Missing Piece (YouTube link) Video story with questions
MIssing piece and student sample
Additional Short Story lesson plan activity: A Vendetta-Guy de Maupassant
Close Reading Strategies for Short Fiction_A Vendetta Lesson Plan
Powerpoint presentation converted to . PDF
CB Topic: Choose a short story either from Short Story resources or one you already know and would like to teach.  Begin work on a lesson plan to teach the story.  This can also be the beginning of a Unit on Short Stories if you wish.  Be sure to consult the CED Unit Guides and CED Key Questions to help pick the level of difficulty you want.  Please label the skill categories you use.
Discuss 2024 AP Prose FRQ 2
Discuss FRQ 2 student samples
Discuss FRQ 2 CB Commentary
Examine Lists of Past Poetry, Prose, and Open Questions
Questions?  Clarifications?
(Note: You will have access to the student samples when they are obtained.)
What is meant by “line of reasoning.”
A brief discussion of the “Sophistication Point.”
The Scoring Bump of 2022” and why it is important.  Behind the Scenes
Questions?  Clarifications?
Day Three
CB Topic: AP Classroom and AP Daily
Overview of AP Classroom and AP Daily
AP Classroom Resources and Description 
Unit Guides
Topic Questions
End of Unit Personal Progress Checks (PPC).
You CANNOT use PPC for a letter grade in your class.
Progress Dashboard
Question Bank
AP Daily
I am offering this Poem-Jimmy Santiago Bace
Carol Jago Goldilocks Assignment
illustrating the Complex through Evidences MIST
Most Dangerous Air-Margarita Engle
Pop music in sonnet form
AP Lit Poetry Prompts with Poems 
21 poems for AP Literature
One pager for poetry
AP Lit Analysis -Alternative Questions for Poetry

CB Topic: Choose poems either from the Poetry link or ones you already know and would like to teach.  Begin work on a lesson plan to teach the poems.  This can also be the beginning of a Unit on Poetry if you wish.  Be sure to consult the CED Unit Guides and CED Key Questions to help pick the level of difficulty you want.

Additional Poetry Resources
Asian American Poetry ***  Poetry Foundation
Native American Poetry *** Poetry Foundation
U S Latinx Poetry **** Poetry Foundation
Lift Every Voice **** Black American Poetry
Black History Month (teach anytime!)  (
poetry and essays)
Teach Living Poets ****
American Life in Poetry ****
Poetry International Archives *****
Words without Borders *****
100 Best Poetry Websites & Famous Poems Sites   ****
Poetry Everywhere ….
Yusef Komunyakaa ….

Essay Ratiocination A revising and editing strategy
A Think Aloud (video)
Dialectical Journal

Fooling with Words with Bill Moyers
Fooling with Words (short version)

Day Four
Examining the Multiple-Choice Questions
MCQ Reflection 
MC from the CED
Examining Excerpts from Books for AP
Continued discussion of the use of novels in the classroom and independent reading
Final Lesson Plan work time.  Prepare to present your Short Story and Poetry lessons after lunch
CB Topic:
View CB Instructional Planning Report CB Website Instructional Planning Report
Sample IPR  
In breakout rooms: Discuss how you assess and reflect on student performance
How do you assess and reflect on student achievement after each unit/essay, semester, and/or year?
What trends do you notice?
How could you use the CB tools, such as the Personal Progress Checks, Progress Dashboard, and Instructional Planning Report, to evaluate your students and plan for the future?

Present your Short Story and/or Poetry lessons.

Additional Materials for reading and discussion
Tone Words
AP English Lit Conceptual Framework  …
AP English Literature and Composition Key Questions by Course Skill  …
Ready for Rigor Chart  ***
Culture Tree  ***
Warm Demander Chart ***
Trust Generators ***
Two Mindsets ***
Literary Analysis Guideposts adapted from 
How to Read Literature Like a Professor
AP English Literature and Composition Skills — one-page chart with A, B, C, D, E, and F skills aligned
Instructional Strategies …..
A “method” for analysis ….
AP Literature Exam Resources & Note-catcher – 
adapted from Susan Barber and Carlos Escobar
Optic Strategy for Visual Analysis
Novel and Play Activities Examples
A Day No Pigs Would Die
Culturally Relevant Literature – Secondary Latinos –…..
Poetry, Plays and Short Stories – American Indian (link)
Printable Short Stories – American Indiana (link)
Speed Dating Prompts    speed-dating-directions
Reading Record Cards

Poetry Links
Asian American Poetry
***  Poetry Foundation
Native American Poetry*** Poetry Foundation
U S Latinx Poetry **** Poetry Foundation
Lift Every Voice**** Black American Poetry
Black History Month (teach anytime!)  (
poetry and essays)
Teach Living Poets****
American Life in Poetry****
Poetry International Archives *****
Words without Borders*****
100 Best Poetry Websites & Famous Poems Sites   ****
Poetry Everywhere ….
Yusef Komunyakaa ….

Additional Suggestions
AP Literature Exam Resources and Note-Catcher
A Method for Analysis
Culture Tree
Ready for Rigor Chart
Warm Demander Chart
Power and Control Wheel
Respect Wheel
Hamlet mandala essay example
The Gazers Spirit Visual Art and Poetry
Jenga Novel Questions
Ode To The Onion
The Art of Teach AP Literature Older College Board publication
Irony and Satire
Jacob Lawrence The Migration Series – art work
Shakespeare Illustrations
The Power of Music in Film – Video
Book Snaps
Three Levels of Reading Activity


2018  2019

2020 ss

2020 C



2023 1

2023 2

2024 1

2024 2