AP Language

The Forest of Rhetoric
Homer Simpson’s Figures of Speech
Learn a new word – feed someone some rice
Figures of Speech served fresh
Updates to the “Newspeak” dictionary
Literary Devices 
UNC – The Writing Center

American Online Newspaper Columnists
Arts and Letters Daily – Ideas, Criticism, Debate
Grammar Bytes! – Terms, Exercises, Tips, Rules, Games
New York Times – Daily Lesson Plans – excellent resource
The Pulitzer Prizes – lists and commentary
Town Hall – Columnists
Vocabulary Lists – Novels, Articles, Various SAT lists
For a collection of teacher-friendly technology, see The Digital Teacher on this website

Rhetoric and Logic
Virtual Salt – A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices
Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples
The Forest of Rhetoric
English_Reading_and_Writing_Analytically_SF (College Board Publication)
Using Documentary Film as an Introduction to Rhetoric (College Board Publication)
RationalWiki – Logical Fallacies

Visual Rhetoric and Speeches

American Rhetoric – contains top 100 American speeches, online speech bank and speech of the week
Americans Who Tell the Truth – Portraits of and speeches by famous Americans like Mark Twain, Chief Josef and Frederick Douglass
Historical Speeches – From The History Channel – historical speeches, some on video as well as audio
Lines in the Sand – Political cartoons of Herbert L. Block
List of Common Errors – More errors listed alphabetically than any class could make
Professional Cartoonists Site – Search by topic – extensive and current.
Pulitzer Prizes – Photos awarded the Pulitzer throughout the years.
Pulitzer Prizes – Beginning to Current
Queen Elizabeth I – Selected writing and speeches
St. Crispen’s Day Speech – The ‘band of brothers’ speech from Shakespeare’s Henry V
St. Crispin’s Day Speech – YouTube video
American Rhetoric – 100 top speeches in streamed audio
Learn Out Loud – speeches – audio and video
Greatest Speeches of the 20th Century – Audio
U.S. Government Graphics and Photos – Sources for synthesis and research papers, visual interpretation exercises

Study Guides and Lessons

Study Guides – More study guides than you ever wanted to see.
Today’s Front Pages – Compare major events coverage as they appear around the world.