Online and In Person APSI 2021


Temporary Link 1 ….
Temporary Link 2 …..
Temporary Link 3 ….


Effective educational videos
The Danger of a SingleStory … (video link)
The Danger of a Single Story – transcript
Jacob Lawrence The Migration Series
The Warmth of Other Suns .. (video link … reading excerpts from book)
A teacher’s guide to visible thinking activities
50 greatest works of immigration Literature
5 Common Myths about Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain:  Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (student resources)
Ernest Morrell On Culturally Responsive Learning (video link)
Embrace Action Research
Effective Educational Videos — Brame 2015
Austin ISD Social and Emotional Learning Blog ***
Great summer reading idea/approach ****
100 Books about Nature ****
50 classic novels under 200 pages  ***
Maya Angelou – Four Ideas to Live By  *** Also Videos of her speaking – excellent to watch
Brief But Spectacular:  Danai Gurira
Brief But Spectacular:  PBS website
Banned Book Week (September 26-October 2, 2021)
The ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom tracked 377 challenges to library, school and university materials and service in 2019.  This is a complete list of book titles that were banned, challenged, or restricted during the year.
Top 10 Most Challenged Books of 2020 (video)
Top 100 Most Banned and Challenged Books: 2010-2019
The Teacher from the Black Lagoon
Breathe (Video)
Additional Link to Breathe (Video)
Breathe Transcript ….
McQuillen Studios – Cultivate Social Imagination through the Arts  Art and lessons for teaching artistic thinking, visual literacy, and creativity across the curriculum/ interesting website  — sample lesson: Teach Writers Ekphrastic Poetry with The Starry Night
The Garden Of English – Conquering English One Skill AT A Time!
The Electric Typewriter – articles and essays by journalists and writers.
100 Great Works of Dystopian Fiction …..
60 years of post-apocalyptic fiction…..
The Power of Music in Film – Video
Literary Theory and Schools of Criticism – Purdue Online Writing Lab
Literary Criticism for the Student’s Soul …  aplithelp

Articles to read ..

Neil Gaiman:  Why our future depends on libraries, reading, and daydreaming
The Psychological Comforts of Storytelling
Process over product:  why does it matter?  …
In education, process as important as final product
Project-based Learning:  It’s the Process, Not the Product
20 Poems Every Man Over 30 Should Know By Heart   …
Borrowing a Literacy Strategy From Band Class  …
**Non-White Authors to Diversify Your AP Lit Curriculum  …
(link)  College Acceleration for All?  Mapping Racial Gaps in Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment Participation …

AP Lit and More: Literature is a Verb An Introductory Lesson … we will do this lesson if we have time.  I hope on Day 2 or 3 or 4!
AP Lit and More:  Activity for above lesson ….we will do the activity after we look at the lesson.  I hope we can do it on Day 2 or 3 or 4!

AP Materials…  I would like you to examine these material throughout the 4 days.  Some of them I will specifically assign to be read on your own during the APSI.  We will then discuss them as a whole group or in breakout groups.
AP English Lit Conceptual Framework  …
AP English Literature and Composition Key Questions by Course Skill 
Ready for Rigor Chart  ***
Culture Tree  ***
Warm Demander Chart ***
Trust Generators ***
Two Mindsets ***
Literary Analysis Guideposts adapted from How to Read Literature Like a Professor
AP English Literature and Composition Skills — one page chart with A, B,C,D,E,F skills alined
Instructional Strategies …..
A “method” for analysis ….
AP Literature Exam Resources & Note-catcher – adapted from Susan Barber and Carlos Escobar
Optic Strategy for Visual Analysis.

Novel and Play Excerpts
Past Workshop on 11 Post-apocalyptic novels and one short storyfar too broad a concept for one workshop!  What was I thinking?  However, the excepts from one or more of the novels might work with your students.

Also check the Shakespeare section.  If you are not familiar with the Folger Shakespeare Library, check it out.  There’s more than just Shakespeare there.



Book Snaps …..
Culturally Relevant Literature – Secondary Latinos –…..
Poetry, Plays and Short Stories – American Indian (link)
Printable Short Stories – American Indiana (link)

 Poetry Links

Asian American Poetry ***  Poetry Foundation
Native American Poetry *** Poetry Foundation
U S Latinx Poetry **** Poetry Foundation
Lift Every Voice **** Black American Poetry
Black History Month (teach anytime!)  (poetry and essays)
Teach Living Poets ****
American Life in Poetry ****
Poetry International Archives *****
Words without Borders *****
100 Best Poetry Websites & Famous Poems Sites   ****
Poetry Everywhere ….
Yusef Komunyakaa ….

Past AP presentations that might prove helpful

Why read fiction and why re-read?

Two versions of Debussy’s “Clair de Lune
Piano Version   …
David Oistrakh on violin, Frida Bauer on piano, recorded in Paris, 1962

APSIs for June and July 2021

Quotes from Jacqueline Stallworth:  “I see discussions on what we are going to teach and NOT much discussion on WHO we are going to teach.  Consider:  1.  Do the texts that are used reflect the diversity of our country and our school population?  2.  Do the students have any choice in the text that is selected for use in the class?  3.  Are you situating text into “Real Life?”

NOTE:  I will attempt to keep our synchronous work which may include small group and whole group discussions or work to 60-90 minutes and then either have a break and/or allow you to work asynchronously.
DAY ONE (proposed)

“Teach the children, so it won’t be necessary to teach the adults.”  ― Abraham Lincoln

Introduction and Discussion of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the CED

1. The Last Battle *** Read with partner(s), answer questions, and discuss
Padlet for response ……
2. Life experience scavenger hunt (throughout the APSI)
2. Archibald MacLeish and Billy Collins
3. The Psychological Comforts of Storytelling Read and discuss–whole group
4. All Roads Lead Where  (.pptx)… adapted from Andrew Shipe (partner and whole group discussion)
4. A. Equity and Access …  College Board additional links Diversity in the Classroom….Hegemony Is a House – Asao B. Inoue
5. The Danger of a Single Story …. 18:33 watch on your own and be prepared to discuss (There is a link to the transcript at the top of this page under the Links)
5. A. Brief But Spectacular:  Danai Gurira (2:55 watch on your own and be prepared to discuss)
5. B. Culture Tree…..
6. Culturally Responsive Teaching in the AP® Classroom … small group and whole discussion
Make it stick (video) in preparation for examining the CED
Make it stick (pdf)
Make it stick (video)

7.  Three Levels of Reading Activity….work in partners, whole group discussion
7. A. AP English Lit Conceptual Framework ….
7. B. Key Questions by Course Skill ….. Important
8. Introduction to the CED to page 23 ….Examination, Discussion, Questions?
9. Close up example of personification from CED ….
10. Unit Guides CED…..We will be working with these during the 4 days.
Responding to the CED …..
11. Instructional Strategies ….
12. AP Literature CED Domain Specific and Academic Terms (update)
13. CED Exam Information ….
14, Of the 36 to 42 literary works on the list
15.  College Board in January 2021 published a Pacing Guide for the “flipped classroom.”  While this may not work for you in the coming year, it does give you an idea of how to arrange your own pacing guide.
AP Intro Activity

Additional Materials
The AP Lever for Boosting Access, Success, and Equity  *** Reading assignment
Please check this list.  How many of these books have you taught?
Library Bill of Rights ….. interesting
Four Ideas to Live By – Maya Angelou  – Your good thoughts for the end of day 1!
AP Daily Video Notes Unit 1  … Just extra information for you.

DAY TWO (proposed)

Teaching the Short Story
The sun goes down on summer ….
Reflective learning  …..
55 word Short Stories …..
Official Fifty Five Word Story Rules  …..Activity — Writing your own 55 word short story
Micro Fiction ….
Little Red Riding Hood – Grimms version
Little Red Riding Hood .pdf instead of .ppt
A Vendetta – Maupassant, Guy de
Close Reading Strategies for Short Fiction_A Vendetta Lesson Plan
Notice and Note ….
I Notice/I Wonder ….
I Notice/I Wonder (Forget the question)
There Will Come Soft Rains – Bradbury (This is used early in the school year to start students asking questions as they read)
Note:  Link to Extensive list of Short Stories on this website.  I continue to add to this.  Suggestions?  Take the time to examine other strategies for working with short stories, and look for stories that would work for Diversity and Inclusion in your classroom.
Go beyond a model; reveal a Think Aloud   …..
What?  How?  Why?  Mirror, Window, Door  …..
Examining Student Samples using the new rubric.
Revising Released Student Samples … This PowerPoint may not download
Revising Released Student Samples .pdf
CED Instructional Approaches….
Key Questions….
Line of Reasoning….
Course Audit Link College Board
AP® English Literature and Composition Syllabus Development Guide….
Writing Poetry with Metaphor Dice
Student Samples Question 2 – Prose
Levels of Reading – Activity
Scrabble Games….

Examining AP Classroom … You are welcome to sign into your own if you wish.  I will be using my AP Classroom to demonstrate the wealth of material that is available for you.

DAY THREE (proposed)

I am offering this poem ….
Let’s start with Carol Jago’s “Goldilocks Assignment
Scroll back up this page to “Poetry Links”  visit ones that might help you with Diversity and Inclusion.  Locate a poem that’s “too hard,” one that is “too easy,” and one that is “just right.”  Briefly explain why you find a particular poem “just right.”  You may want to work in groups to complete this a bit more quickly.
Illustrating the _Complex_ through Evidences MIST ….
More Dangerous Air using MIST  ….

Poetry and Resistance
Carl Sandburg and Langston Hughes  ….
CollegeBoard Poetry – ….. Additional Carol Jago Poetry Ideas ….
AP® English Literature and Composition Syllabus Development Guide
CED Instructional Approaches
Scatterbrained Soliloquies ….
Let’s try an online Scatterbrained Soliloquy …..
Fooling with Words ……A PBS Documentary special with young people in mind (notice the audience)
Let’s Write An Ode …..An ode is a lyrical poem that expresses praise, glorification, or tribute. It examines its subject from both an emotional and an intellectual perspective. Classic odes date back to ancient Greece, and they contain three sections: a strophe, an antistrophe, and an epode—effectively a beginning, middle, and end.   Most odes in contemporary poetry are irregular odes that take liberties with the form.
Formal Ode example
Ode on a Grecian Urn
Modern and irregular
Ode To My Socks ….
Ode To The Onion …..
Multiple choice 2020 updates (question stems)
Multiple Choice Framework Alignment….
AP Classroom (online)
Instructional Planning Report (College Board ppt)
Question 3 Scoring
AP Lit Sophistication Point…..
Hamlet-Mandala-assignment – Activity
Will show additional Mandalas from 6th graders and 12 graders
Hamlet mandala essay example

DAY FOUR (proposed)
Novels and Plays
Open with teachers sharing a lesson that they found successful with their classes.  You are welcome to share on Google classroom or send it to me (I will have you my gmail address for the classroom) and I will share it for you while you explain.  Make sure you name is on the lesson and the instructions are clear.  Try to keep you sharing as short as you can.
Novel excerpts listed above – small group and whole group discussion — What Novels/Plays will reflect Diversity & Inclusion and Equity & Access in your classroom?
Carol Jago – Four Boxes – in person APSI will use chart paper and construct these.
Examples for the online APSI
Example 1 Four Boxes….
Example 2 Four Boxes.
What??  Tone is important? …..
Syllabus Development Guide …..
Foundations of Literary Argument Lesson  ….. warrant is the relevance of a claim
The Macbeth activities are located in the Shakespeare section.
Fooling with words…..Bill Moyers
Irony and Satire.….
The Gazers Spirit – Visual Art and Poetry
“In Sunlight or in Shadow/Stories Inspired by the Painting of Edward Hopper”  (see Online APSI 2020)
(Meta)physical poetry…..