Author Archives: jwbrown

Movies, Videos, Recorded Sound

“Batter my heart”  Doctor Atomic
Goya – Art Work Presentation
The Grammar of TV and Film

Yertle the Turtle  (film)
Boundin’ MP4 (film)
Make it Stick  (film)
The teacher from the Black Lagoon (film)
The Divided Brain (film)



Movie Clips — (link)  The New York Times “Movie Shorts For Short Attention Spans”
Movie Scripts and Screen Plays (link – Excellent)
Voice of the Shuttle  (link)
Silent Era Films on Home Video (link)
Teach With Movies  (link)
AMC Movie Guide and Lists  (links)
Critical Commons (links)
cineCollage  (links)
David Bordwell (website and blog)
Artful Thinking (routines)  (link)
Project Zero  (link)
30 Camera Shots every Film Fan Needs to Know (Explains the shot and gives an example)
Media College Free resources for film and digital media production
American Film Institute 100 years of Heroes and Villains
Free Movies Online
101 Free Silent Films
Filmsite  Excellent source Detailed plot synopses, review commentary, film analysis, film scenes, film quotes

Open Culture

Pre-AP English APSI UT at Austin 2013, 2014, 2016 AP 2018


APSI Pre-AP English (High School) 2013

Pre-AP English APSI UT at Austin 2013

Lighthouse Initiative for English/Language Arts Classrooms

.PDF of all documents for Lighthouse Initiative

Pre-AP: Topics for AP Vertical Teams® in English

Pre-AP for English Teachers’ Corner

History and English:  Natural Partners

APSI Pre-AP English (High School) 2014

Pre-AP English APSI UT at Austin 2014

Ekphrastic Poetry

APSI Pre-AP English (High School) 2016

Pre-AP English APSI UT at Austin 2016

Sorrow everywhere
The Face of Evil

UT Austin Materials 2018
Student Samples 2017
2018  AP English Language and Composition Samples and Scoring
2018 AP English Literature and Composition Samples and Scoring
Strange Fruit Sonnet Project


AP CollegeBoard Student Site – Taking AP Language and Composition and/or AP Literature and Composition? Find out what they are and what you need to know by visiting this site

Banned Books Week
Mapping Censorship
Banned Books Week 2020
Teacher from the Black Lagoon
Frequently challenged books
120 Banned Books – Censorship Histories of World Literature

Argumentation – Debate
List of Fallacious Arguments
Logical Fallacies
Arguments are everywhere

How we change what others think, believe, feel, and do

AUSTHINK – Argument Mapping
Special K Ads
The Argument Comic Strips

Book Lists
Modern Library 100 best nonfiction books
Great Books Lists
Popular Allegorical Books

Close Reading
“We all begin as close readers. Even before we learn to read, the process of being read aloud to, and of listening, is one in which we are taking in one word after another, one phrase at a time, in which we are paying attention to whatever each word or phrase is transmitting. Word by word is how we learn to hear and then read, which seems only fitting, because that is how the books we are reading were written in the first place.” from Learning to write by learning to read by Francine Prose
– 1. How to Do a Close Reading 2. Steps for Close Reading 3. Close Reading Example: “The Lady of Shalott” 4. Close Reading of a Literary Passage 5. What is Close Reading? 6. Getting an A on an English Paper: Close Reading — Professors in every department want well-researched papers with good theses. Professors in English departments also want to see that you can read closely, paying excruciatingly close attention to the details of language. 7. NEW CRITICISM & Close Reading 8. Close Reading Guide 9. Writing about Fiction
What is Close Reading?
Steps for Close Reading or Explication de texte: patterns, polarities, problems, paradigm, puzzles, perception
Dr. McClennen’s Close Reading Guide – HOW TO DO A CLOSE READING
Getting an A on an English Paper – Jack Lynch,Rutgers University – Newark

Dictionaries – Free edition of a complete Webster dictionary. Fully crosslinked.  Webster Dictionary with PRONUNCIATION and Sound.
OneLook Dictionaries – Look up a word or term in an Internet dictionary or glossary. Free search access to a frequently updated database of words, terms, names, and acronyms. – Features two modern English dictionaries, multilingual search, and translation. Also features a guide to language sites on the web and a language discussion forum
Cambridge International Dictionaries – Free online dictionary from Cambridge University Press.
DICT Development Group – A WWW interface to several freely available on-line dictionaries, including Webster’s 1913, the Jargon File, the US Gazetteer, and Easton’s Bible Dictionary.
Dictionaries and Translation – List of links to dictionaries on the Internet. – Dictionaries – Comprehensive index of on-line dictionaries in more than 200 different languages. Includes an index of on-line grammars, word of the day by email, and several pages of linguistic fun.
Shakespeare’s Words


American Rhetoric – Rhetoric devices in sound – Rhetorical Figures in Sound is a compendium of 200+ brief audio (mp3) clips illustrating 40 different figures of speech. Most of these figures were constructed, identified, and classified by Greek and Roman teachers of rhetoric in the Classical period. For each rhetorical device, definitions and examples, written and audio, are provided. Audio examples are taken from public speeches and sermons, movies, songs, lectures, oral interpretations of literature, and other media events. Some artifacts have been edited further to make the devices easier to detect. In the interest of diversity, I have included a range of voices and perspectives.
Glossary of Literary Terms – A Glossary of Literary Terms – Robert Harris – “a writer and educator with more than 25 years of teaching experience at the college and university level.”
Teaching Argumentation –  Strategies
Toulmin’s Analysis — Stephen Toulmin, a modern rhetorician, believed that few arguments actually follow classical models of logic like the syllogism, so he developed a model for analyzing the kind of argument you read and hear every day–in newspapers and on television, at work, in classrooms, and in conversation.
MYTH MAN’S AWARD-WINNING HOMEWORK HELP CENTER – I now offer nearly 200 pages to help you with your mythology projects, including something like 700 pictures…and still no sign of slowing down!
Literary Terms Dictionary
H O M E R I S M S (No, not Greek poetry.) – Figures of Speech from “The Simpsons”
Letter of Notes – Correspondence deserving a wider audience
The Contrary Opinion Buttons
Proverbs and Sayings and Phrases
Read – Write – Think Lesson Plans Classroom Resources from NCTE
Literary Devices Definition and Examples of Literary Terms

Arthurian Links – This page contains links to selected Arthurian (and non-Arthurian) sites on the WWW along with (at the bottom of the page) a brief section of advice on which books and essays in the main bibliographies should be consulted first.
Project Gutenberg – Welcome to Project Gutenberg and choose among 18,000 free electronic books (eBooks)
Literary Resources – Miscellaneous
Shakespeare’s Works –
English and Literature Web Sites

Enjoying “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare by Ed Friedlander, M.D.
Enjoying “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare Ed Friedlander, M.D.
Hamlet Online – searchable
Macbeth Online – searchable
Literature Online – searchable
Shakespeare’s Words
Taylor Mali
Short Story Collection
The Steinbeck Institute – Teacher Resources
Literary World Count
Ultimate Shakespeare Resource Guide
Forgotten Books  – republishes thousands of classic works that are in the public dom
Faded Page – Canadian ebooks

Movies and Television
Teachers TV – Schools
Teacher Tube  
Teach with Movies

Movie Scripts and Screen Plays (Excellent)

Music and Nationalism – This text is part of the Internet Modern History Sourcebook. ©Paul Halsall Aug 1997, revised July 1998
KMFA FM – Classically Austin 89.5 – Celebrating 39 years of Classically Austin radio!
A Brief Timeline of American Literature, Music, and Movies 1920-1929
Folk Den– Roger McGuinn in the folk tradition
Max Hunter Folk Song Collection – The Max Hunter Collection is an archive of almost 1600 Ozark Mountain folk songs, recorded between 1956 and 1976.
Child Ballads  The Child Ballads are a collection of 305 ballads from England and Scotland, and their American variants, collected by Francis James Child in the late nineteenth century.
Folk Music of England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and America  Folk and Traditional Music and Popular Songs, with Lyrics, Midi, Tune Information and History behind the folksongs and ballads. Irish, British and American Folk Music
including Francis J. Child Ballads and Sea Shanties.
Library of Congress – American Folklife Center  Various online Collections
Official Site of Spirituals This site is devoted to traditional African American spirituals, and some information is given about the early Gospel songs.
American Folksong Collection 660 songs in the collection
Kodaly Downloads  1688 songs, worksheets, games and strategies for free
Classics for Kids  Composer, Music, Games for Kids
Organization of American Kodaly Educators
The British Kodaly Academy
Explanation of the Kodaly concept
American Folk Songs includes sheet music

The Poetry of song

Broadway song Lyrics –
Link to hundreds of song lyrics –
Traditional, Folk, and old Song Lyrics Collection

American Folk Songs

Newspapers, Media, Political Cartoons

American Online Columnists – Not a Blog! 700+ columnists from newpapers around the country.
Arts and Letters Daily – “Our motto, ‘Veritas odit moras,’ is from line 850 of Seneca’s version of Oedipus. It means ‘Truth hates delay.'”
Media Awareness Network – Welcome! Are you looking for practical teaching units and classroom activities for media education? Do you have great ideas to share with other teachers? This is the place for you! We invite your comments and your contributions. To keep us relevant, keep in touch.
Herblock’s History – Political Cartoons from the Crash to the Millenium
Daryl Cagle’s Professional Cartoonists Index
Marty Kaplan

Representative Poetry Online – Thank you University of Toronto! An extensive poetry site. Search by title, author, first line or keyword.
Guide to Poetry and Literature Webcasts – Complied by Richard Armenti, Digital Reference Specialist
Welcome to Sonnet Central
, an archive of English sonnets, commentary, and relevant web links and a forum for poets to share and discuss their own work.

Reading and the Brain
Reading in the Brain

Latin and Greek root index – Many technical terms, names of biological structures, and names of taxa, are formed from Greek and Latin roots. If you are familiar with these roots, you can ‘translate’ the technical terms into English.
Your Dictionary – “…a rich array of language resources available at the Web of On-line Dictionaries” This site also gives you the root/roots of the words.
Bartleby – “The preeminent Internet publisher of literature, reference and verse providing students, researchers and the intellectually curious with unlimited access to books and information on the web, free of charge.”
What is Plagiarism at Indiana University? – A Short Quiz and Concept Lesson by Ted Frick
The Internet Public Library – Literary Criticism – Contains links to various literary criticism web sites.
Voice of the Shuttle – Link to extensive resources related to most aspects of the humanities. “VoS emphasizes both primary and secondary (or theoretical) resources, and defines its audience as people who have something to learn from a higher-education, professional approach to the humanities (which in practice has included students and instructors from the elementary school, high school, and general population sectors).”
Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format – “MLA style also specifies guidelines for formatting manuscripts and using the English language in writing and also provides a writers with a system for cross-referencing their sources–from their parenthetical references to their works cited page.”
The Reference Desk – the Single best source for Facts
The Pulitzer Prizes
Capture the moment
– The Pulitzer Prize Photographs

Merriam-Webster Online
Brainy Quotes The Automatic Bibliography & Citation Maker
Son of Citation Machine  “Serving student and professional researchers since 2001”
Mythology –
Fun with words
Letters of Note
Jim Burke – Digital Textbook

Word Roots… your Quick Reference – Good spellers make sure they confidently know the “building blocks” of the English language – prefixes, suffixes and word roots.
Understanding a word’s meaning and getting the spelling right is much easier if you understand these components.
How fast do you read? – Simple reading test. Gives you an idea about how long it might take you to finish a book.

Latin and Greek root index – Many technical terms, names of biological structures, and names of taxa, are formed from Greek and Latin roots. If you are familiar with these roots, you can ‘translate’ the technical terms into English.

Writing and Grammar
Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) – An entire grammar book and style manual on your computer screen!

Grammar Slammer!  Welcome to Grammer Slammer, the help file that goes beyond a grammar checker.  Use it as you would any help file.
Guide to Grammer and Style by Jack Lynch
Brain Researchers Discover the Evolutionary Traces of Grammar – Max Planck researchers in Leipzig show that linguistic rules are processed in two phylogenetically different brain regions
ODEGAARD Writing and Research Center

And there’s more……
Babylon – Will give you a brief history of the city of Babylon.
College Home Pages – Wow! What a time saver! This site will link you to any U.S. 2 or 4 year college home page. You can explore the campus, course descriptions and the application process (including application essay topics). You may even apply electronically to some colleges and universities.
Historical Development of Flags – The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2005, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
BBC Art and Literature – “Whether it’s art, literature or source materials that interest you most – they are all good routes to finding clues to our history.”

The Scarlet Plague by Jack London

Interesting School Links for teachers
Links for K-12 Teachers – Helping teachers use the Internet effectively
Welcome to the ERIC Database – “The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education, produces the world’s premier database of journal and non-journal education literature. The ERIC online system provides the public with a centralized ERIC Web site for searching the ERIC bibliographic database of more than 1.1 million citations going back to 1966. More than 107,000 full-text non-journal documents (issued 1993-2004), previously available through fee-based services only, are now available for free. ERIC is moving forward with its modernization program, and has begun acquiring materials for addition to the database.”
Pun of the day
Teacher jokes and humor
My Comics
Editorial Cartoons

Tongue Twisters 2
Glasbergen Cartoons
Education Extras – How to publish your own TeacherTube Video
Edsitement – AP Literature and Composition Resources
Jim Burke:  English Companion
AP Practice Exams
MsEffie’s LifeSavers
Searchable TEKs database 
“ClassDojo makes it easy to keep  students alert and on-task.”
Those were the Days
Dr. Wheeler’s Web site 
Engage the class using any device
Communicate Like MLK and Change the World
Mr. Gunnar’s AP English Classes
Teaching Resources – Voice of the Shuttle (excellent)
Project Zero (link)

Words and Quotations
Word of the Day
Word of the Day 2 (Archive)
Pangloss Wisdom
Quotation of the Day

Science and History
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Fun Science Facts

Arts and Letters Daily
Reference, Facts, News
Those Were the Days  Great Books Online — Quotations

Shakespearean Insulter
Shakespeare Insults Dictionary
Common Errors in English Usage
100 Words Every High School Graduate and their Parents should know
Poetry 180 – A Poem A Day
Homophones, American English
Grammar Bytes!  Grammar Instruction

Graphic Organizers

Visible Thinking
Creativity Map – find it- use it
Figuring out Fair Map
Circles of Truth Map
Understanding Map
Options Diamond – Exploring the tension of decision making
Reporters Notebook – Separating fact and feeling

Visible Thinking – Teacher Organization
Me, You, Space, Time:  “MYST”

Visible Thinking – Student Activities
3, 2, 1 Bridge

Circle of Viewpoints
Claim Support Question
Compass Points
Creative Hunt – Looking at parts, purposes, and audiences
Creative Questions
CSI – Color, Symbol, Image
Does it Fit     
Explanation Game


Here/Now There/Then
Options Diamond
Question Sorts
Question Starts
Red Light,Yellow Light for Truth
Reporters Notebook – Separating fact and feeling
See/Think/Wonder – exploring works of art and other interesting things
Step Inside: Perceive,Know about, Care about
Stop Look Listen – clarifying claims and sources
Think Puzzle Explore
Tug of War – the complexity of fairness dilemmas
Used to think – But now, I think
What Makes You Say That?

Word Chart:_Context and Connection
Word_Chart:_Examples and Characteristics
Vocabulary Word Cluster

Note Taking
Two-column notes
Note Chart for novels and plays
Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why
Cornell Notes

Team Work
Think_Now Pair Share

Elements of Fiction with Graphics
Reading Response
Dialectical Journal
Reading  Journals
Story Plot Terms
Analysis Template
Reflecting Mood in Literature – Jane Eyre sample
Literary Elements Mapping (interactive online)*

Analyzing Characters
Character Qualities Study
Character web
Blank Character web
Facebook assignment – Jane Eyre sample

Nine Sentence Patterns thanks to Mrs Cassel
Sentence Types and Patterns thanks to Mrs Cassel
Writing web

How to summarize
Theme evidence
Sentence Outline Literary Analysis thanks to Marcia Hilsabeck

Model Graphic Organizer for Argumentative Essay
Two- column Chart (arguments for/against your position)

Persuasion map 3 reasons 2 facts
Persuasive writing plan
Toulmin Arguments Model
Persuasive Essay Writing Plan  
Persuasion Map (interactive)*

Book Markers


Classroom “Feedback”
Chart-Easy to use Classroom Assessment Techniques

There’s more
Metacognitive journal
Where I’m From Poem
Character Trading_Card
All those Acronyms
Patterns patterns patterns
Graphic Novels for teens*
Graphic Novel web sites*
Graphic Novels (links)

APSI TCU and UT Austin 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017

Macbeth TCU 2013
The Tempest TCU 2013
The Gazer’s Spirit TCU 2013
Satire TCU 2013
Welcome to the Monkey House TCU 2013
Post apocalyptic TCU 2013
Poetry Pairs Triples Quads TCU 2013
Prose MC Camp TCU 2013
MC for Pre-AP TCU 2013
Jane Eyre and Antigone TCU 2013
Introduction to the essay Pre-AP TCU 2013
Poetry MC Camp TCU 2013
Frankenstein TCU 2013
Batter my heart TCU 2013
If I draw it TCU 2013   Link to Graphic Organizers


Fooling with Words with Bill Moyers
Reading Poetry
The Trouble with Poetry
Poetry Everywhere

AP Literature MC Test
Batter my heart TCU 2014
Fooling with Words
Frankenstein TCU 2014
If I draw it TCU 2014  Link to Graphic Organizers
Poetry Pairs Triples Quads TCU 2014
Quiet TCU 2014
Short Stories Online TCU 2014
The Digital Classroom TCU 2014
The Gazer’s Spirit TCU 2014
The Tempest TCU 2014
Welcome to the Monkey House TCU 2014

Additional “Quiet” Materials
Quiet Quiz to begin workshop
Quotes about introversion
Outrageously Successful Introverts PowerPoint
Educational Psychology 20 Things about how Students Learn
Quotes about Quiet (Link)
Chart-Easy to use Classroom Assessment Techniques
Teacher’s Guide to Quiet  (Questions and Activities for each chapter.  Assumes students are reading the book; however, there are
many classroom activities that can be utilized without students ever reading the book).
Free Test Based on Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myer’s Typology Test

TCU 2015
BRN01 AP Literature MC Test Brown 2105
BRN02 Poe – Brown – TCU APSI 2015
BRN03 Fooling with Words Brown TCU 2015
BRN04 Quiet 2015 TCU – Brown
BRN06 Beowulf to Marvel TCU Brown 2015
BRN07 Batter my heart TCU Brown 2015
BRN08 The Gazers Spirit Visual Art and Poetry – Brown TCU 2015
BRN09 The Crowd TCU 2015 Brown
BRN10 Grapes of Wrath – Brown TCU 2015
BRN11 If I draw it TCU 2015 Brown
BRN12 Tartuffe Earnest Soprano TCU Brown 2015
BRN13 Digital Teacher TCU 2015 Brown
BRN14 Satire TCU Brown 2015
BRN15 Twain and Vonnegut – Brown 2015 TCU


Beowulf to Batman (article)
Adventures of Beowulf
adaptation from Old English by David Breeden
Ann Savage’s Hypertext of Beowulf
Benjamin Slade’s Beowulf site
Signet Classic Guide to Beowulf  (13 pages)
Beowulf (the graphic novel)
Annotated Beowulf (Harvard Classics – Frances B. Grummere)
Electronic Beowulf (digitized original manuscript)
Beowulf Resources (Excellent site)
Beowulf for Beginners (link is also on the Beowulf Resources site)
Tolkien-Beowulf: the-Monsters-and-the-Critics
excerpt from 1936 British Academy lecture
Tolkien – The Monsters and the Critics complete article
Slaying Monsters – The New Yorker
Review from the New Yorker of Tolkien’s Translation of Beowulf
Beowulf:  An Online Introduction  (construction an alphabet from the original manuscript)
Beowulf in 100 Tweets (link) (if this disappears, let me know)
Beowulf (Spark Notes)
26:41 animated version of Beowulf  (let me know if this disappears)
Beowulf:  A Summary in English Prose

King Arthur
The Crystal Cave – Mary Stewart – The Best Notes
The Camulod Chronicles – Jack Whyte
Celtic Twilight – Online Arthurian Sources
Arthurian and Grail Poetry (another link from the site above)
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table – History, Legend and Everything in between
The Camelot Project – University of Rochester
King Arthur and the Matter of Britain

Old Radio Programs
Orson Wells – The Shadow

Comic Books
DC Comics
The Center for Cartoon Studies
Online Comic Creator
Graphic Novel Lesson Plan      
Comics in the Classroom 100 Tips, Tools, and Resources for Teachers

Superhero Cartoon Database  
Superhero Dictionary
Comics and Superheroes
Article Comic Books Change Students Views
Article A Study of comic book superheros
Article Archie and the Unexpected Virtue of Forgetfulness – Entertainment – The Atlantic
Why Write about Superheros (link to article)

100 Free Silent Films
Free Movies Online
Filmsite  Excellent source Detailed plot synopses, review commentary, film analysis, film scenes, film quotes

Five decades of Met Publications – free
Guggenheim Publications – free
Getty – Virtual Library

Predicting Exam Score
Reading Record Cards
Dictionary of Symbols
Poetry Teaching Resources

TCU 2016
BRN01 AP Literature MC Test Brown 2106
BRN02 Poe – Brown – TCU APSI 2016
BRN03 Fooling with Words Brown TCU 2016
BRN04 Quiet 2016 TCU – Brown
BRN05 Ray Bradbury Short Stories
BRN06 Why Re-read
BRN07 Batter my heart TCU Brown 2016
BRN08 The Gazers Spirit Visual Art and Poetry – Brown TCU 2016
BRN09 Improve Student Writing
BRN10 Tone is important
BRN11 Carl Sandburg
BRN12 Tartuffe Earnest Soprano TCU Brown 2016
BRN13 Murder in the Cathedral
BRN14 Comedic Criticism Irony and Satire TCU 2016
BRN15 Twain and Vonnegut

TCU 2017
BRN01 Batter My Heart (meta)physical poets
BRN02 Comedic Criticism – Irony and Satire
BRN03 Teaching Poe to the “Walking Dead” Generation
BRN04 Ray Bradbury Short Stories
BRN05 Tone is important?
BRN06 AP Literature MC Test
BRN07 Poetry – “Fooling with Words” – Bill Moyers special
BRN08 Quiet – The Power of Introverts 
BRN09 Helping Students begin to improve their writing – focus on the 3 essays for AP Literature
BRN10 “Murder in the Catherdal” The individual’s opposition to authority 
BRN11 Carl Sandbury and Langston Hughes – Workingmen’s Poets
BRN12 In Sunlight or in Shadow – Short Stories inspired by the paintings of Edward Hopper
BRN13 The Poisonwood Bible – A Novel – The voice of the Price women


College Board – One Day andTwo Day Conferences

Richardson February 2013
The Tempest The Magic of Shakespeare
Batter my heart   the (meta-physical) poets
Jane Eyre and Antigone the cost of a moral decision

The Overwhelming Question

Richardson December 2013
Argumentation is not arguing Richardson Dec 2013
If I draw it Richardson 2013
Jane Richardson December 2013
Post Apocalyptic Richardson December 2013

Post-Apocalyptic Fiction Links
60 Years of Post-Apocalyptic Fiction
3 approaches to teaching The Road
Lessons from Post-Apocalyptic TV Shows
Best Post-Apocalyptic Fiction
Post-Apocalyptic Fiction and Science Fiction
The 50 Greatest Apocalypse Novels
End of the World Literature
Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction

Additional Jane Eyre and Antigone materials
Abandoned Farmhouse
Bluebeard – Charles Perrault
Cinderella by the Grimm Brothers
Jane Eyre Chapters and images
Jane Eyre Passages on Settings
Fire and Ice Mr Rochester and Jane
Fire and Ice St John and Jane
Study Questions for Jane Eyre
somewhere i have never travelled
Wide Sargasso Sea materials
Jane Eyre 11 Lessons
Guided Reading Questions for Antigone
Antigone Essay Questions

Additional Argumentation Material
Love is a fallacy
Logical Fallacies handout
Logical Fallacies or Fallacies in Argumentation
Questions to answer about photograph and ad writing on the K ads

Logic argument cat bill veto
war synthesis question passages 3-2-07
Everyday Use Alice Walker
Why liberty suffers in wartime

San Antonio – December 2014
Brown – Batter My Heart The Metaphysical Poets
Brown – Tartuffe Earnest Soprano
Brown – The Tempest The Magic of Shakespeare

San Antonio – February 2016
1 Brown – Poe – Walking Dead
2 Brown – Comedic Criticism – Satire
3 Brown – Poetry Mock Reading
4 Brown -The Gazers Spirit Visual Art and Poetry
5 Brown – Tone is important

Los Angeles – June 2016
Fooling with Words Brown LA 2016
Ray Bradbury Short Stories LA 2016
Batter my heart LA 2016
Why Re-read LA 2016
Improve Student Writing LA 2016

Houston – July 19, 2018
Houston APAC Pre-Conference
College Board AP Equity and Access Policy Statement
Levels of reading
Speed Dating Prompts
graham cracker poem
Newspaper Poem